TC Blackwell is a novelist, publisher, writing coach and lifelong storyteller. Her first novel “The Lies Behind My Eyes” was published in 2019. The novel is dedicated to her twin sister who passed away before the novel was completed.
Hypothetically The Craziest Sh%t I’ve Ever Done!?! Was published 4 months later. The reviews are raving about her latest novel. It’s an unforgettable title and a memorable book.
TC Blackwell specializes in crafting funny adventures with a heaping dose of romance. She holds a B.A. in Criminal Justice and shares an incredibly unique passion for helping young adults bridge the literacy gap.
She is a fitness guru and lives in Minnesota. In theory she is working on her next novel. In reality she is possibly at the local gym or watching a comedy movie.
I’ll start with a confession: I really never wanted to become an author. When I was a little girl, I wanted to spend my life bungee jumping from airplanes or owning one whichever came first.
I am not entirely sure how I became obsessed with writing and reading books. I am confident there is a valid explanation.
I fell in love with the literacy world when I suddenly realized I was afraid of heights and that owning an aircraft was not within my budget.
Okay, I’m going to be completely honest: I have more gym shoes than Famous footwear and I spend way too much time scrolling through Instagram.
My writing path flourished soon after grade school. I was completely obsessed with reading books.
I would hide books underneath my mattress and sometimes I would be caught reading 3 books simultaneously.
There is a slight possibility my next novel will be a Thriller or maybe centered around Fitness. If the wind blows right on the day I sit down and write, I might write about a Fitness guru and mix some killer clown into the plot.